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Product details

The product details determine how your products appear to customers visually and what options they have for a given product.

Title, description, and price

  • Title - The title of your product.
  • Description - A detailed summary of your product and its features.
  • Price - The price for this product.


  • Inventory - The quantity for your stock of this item. Leave this field blank for unlimited inventory.

Product images

  • Gallery images - Additional images which are displayed to customers on product detail pages.

For more in-depth information on product images, including sizes and formats, you can visit the product images help section.


For products that require shipping you can set up shipping rates within the product details. Shipping rates are cumulative in that the calculated rates for each product and selected quantity is combined with the calculated rates for any other products and their selected quantities.

The product shipping fields are as follows:

  • Requires shipping - If enabled, customers will be able to enter their shipping information.
  • Cost - The flat rate for domestic shipping for this product.
  • Cost per additional item - The discounted shipping rate for additional quantities of this product. Leave blank to charge the same rate regardless of quantity. Or set to '0' for free shipping on all additional quantities of this product.
  • International cost - The flat rate for international shipping for this product.
  • International cost per additional item - The discounted international shipping rate for additional quantities of this product. Leave blank to charge the same rate regardless of quantity. Or set to '0' for free shipping on all additional quantities of this product.


  • To charge taxes on this product, check the option Charge taxes on this product in the tax section.
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